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About us
The Green Bay Automotive History
Over the past 11years Craig has actively been improving the business by acquiring new, state-of-the-art equipment and tools, as well as providing intense and thorough training to his staff to ensure that they are not only fully trained and qualified, but that they are also ranked with the best of their trade.
Green Bay Auto is also the only approved MTA member in the Green Bay area, which leaves clients assured of quality workmanship.
As client satisfaction is of the utmost importance, the team at Green Bay Auto always aims to provide the best value-for-money solution for every job. They pride themselves as friendly, professional craftsmen, who often offer free advice. To put the cherry on the cake, Green Bay Auto also offers a Loan Vehicle option, where clients can choose between either automatic or manual loan vehicles to commute with while their own vehicles are in for repairs or services. Don’t lose out and be sure to book your loan vehicle well in advance, as this is a very popular offer at Green Bay Auto and availability of loan vehicles quickly diminishes as services and repairs are booked.
All put together, it’s no surprise that the service delivered by Green Bay Auto not only meets their clients’ expectations, but actually exceed them.
Contact us, or pay us a visit us at Green Bay Auto to experience quality service and workmenship.